Our theme for August here at Project 3810 is Sales. What is sales? What does it mean? What does it look like? Why do I need a sales strategy? How is sales different from a brand strategy or marketing strategy? Are you in sales denial?
Love it! So many questions!
First off, for those true sales folks out there. I am not a sales person. (sales denial)
Sales as an archetype gets a bad wrap. The reality is you deal with sales people every day and you sale you product or service with every person you come in contact with. Because it is an integral part of business success and because you are selling every time you or one of your employees opens their mouth, answers the phones, responds to emails, posts on social media, its very important to build a strategy around this daily activity.
Its the first of the month, so this post ins’t about answering all the questions. Its about starting the conversation.